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What is

And why should I use mediation to settle my dispute?

Mediation is a process where all of the parties to a dispute attend a hearing— either telephonically or via video hearing—for the purpose of trying to settle/resolve their dispute. The hearing is conducted by a mediator. The mediator cannot impose a settlement on the parties.

Certain situations may benefit from mediation rather than arbitration. Meditation should be used if both parties believe they can reach an understanding on their own terms. This is often the first step when dealing with a legal matter, and it may or may not escalate to arbitration or a court hearing.

ARS Mediation Platform

The Arb-IT cloud-based platform fully automates the step-by-step process of mediation utilizing a proprietary, cutting-edge legal solution that integrates easy-to-use technology based on unparalleled process and design standards, coupled with our expert mediators for a revolutionary approach to dispute resolution.

Request mediation using Arb-IT for as little as $1,200!

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